Psychology - Industrial-Organizational Psychology
A. Clinical settings
B. Educational institutions
C. Work and organizational settings
D. Social gatherings
I-O Psychology focuses on understanding behavior in work and organizational settings.
A. Leadership styles
B. Job satisfaction and productivity
C. Employee motivation
D. Group dynamics and productivity
The Hawthorne Studies focused on the impact of group dynamics on productivity.
A. Analyzing employee performance
B. Evaluating leadership styles
C. Assessing organizational culture
D. Examining job tasks and requirements
Job analysis in I-O Psychology involves examining job tasks and requirements.
A. Recruitment
B. Training
C. Job analysis
D. Personnel selection
Personnel selection involves choosing employees based on qualifications and abilities.
A. Shared values, beliefs, and practices within an organization
B. Employee turnover rates
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee motivation
Organizational culture refers to shared values, beliefs, and practices within an organization.
A. Employee salaries
B. Employee benefits
C. Organizational policies and procedures
D. All of the above
Organizational justice involves perceptions of fairness in various aspects, including salaries, benefits, and policies.
A. Assessing the financial performance of an organization
B. Evaluating employee job performance
C. Determining market trends
D. Conducting job interviews
Performance appraisal involves evaluating the job performance of employees.
A. Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism
B. Authoritarianism, Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy, Social dominance
C. Introversion, Neuroticism, Emotional stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness
D. Assertiveness, Creativity, Flexibility, Emotional intelligence, Locus of control
The "Big Five" personality traits are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.
A. Employee motivation
B. Physical and psychological aspects of the work environment
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee training
Ergonomics in I-O Psychology focuses on the physical and psychological aspects of the work environment.
A. Employee engagement
B. Procrastination
C. Theft, absenteeism, and sabotage
D. Employee satisfaction
Counterproductive work behavior includes actions like theft, absenteeism, and sabotage.
A. Assessing employee job performance
B. Identifying areas where employees require additional training
C. Evaluating organizational culture
D. Conducting job interviews
Training needs analysis involves identifying areas where employees require additional training.
A. Performance appraisal
B. Personnel selection
C. Training and development
D. Job analysis
Training and development involve helping employees develop the skills needed for their current or future jobs.
A. Salary, work environment, and job security
B. Leadership styles
C. Organizational policies
D. Employee turnover rates
Job satisfaction is associated with factors like salary, work environment, and job security.
A. Employee motivation and performance
B. Organizational culture
C. Personnel selection
D. Leadership styles
The Expectancy Theory in I-O Psychology focuses on the relationship between employee motivation and performance.
A. Personnel selection
B. Training and development
C. Recruitment
D. Performance appraisal
Recruitment involves attracting a pool of qualified applicants for a job.
A. The ability to control emotions and understand others' emotions
B. Employee turnover rates
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee motivation
Emotional intelligence in the workplace refers to the ability to control emotions and understand others' emotions.
A. Employee motivation
B. Employee turnover
C. Intention and behavior in the workplace
D. Leadership styles
The Theory of Planned Behavior can be applied to understand intention and behavior in the workplace.
A. Belief in one's ability to perform specific tasks
B. Employee turnover rates
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee motivation
Self-efficacy in the workplace refers to belief in one's ability to perform specific tasks.
A. Reducing job responsibilities
B. Modifying and redesigning one's own job
C. Ignoring organizational policies
D. Employee turnover
Job crafting involves modifying and redesigning one's own job for increased satisfaction.
A. Employee engagement
B. Employee turnover rates
C. The execution of core job responsibilities
D. Leadership styles
Task performance refers to the execution of core job responsibilities in the workplace.
A. Abraham Maslow
B. Frederick Herzberg
C. Douglas McGregor
D. B.F. Skinner
The Motivation-Hygiene Theory is associated with Frederick Herzberg.
A. Creating a homogeneous workforce
B. Celebrating differences in race, gender, and other characteristics
C. Ignoring cultural variations
D. Promoting discrimination
Workplace diversity focuses on celebrating differences in race, gender, and other characteristics.
A. Training and development
B. Personnel selection
C. Job satisfaction
D. Leadership styles
The zone of proximal development is associated with training and development.
A. Engaging in actions that go beyond formal job requirements
B. Employee turnover
C. Sabotaging organizational goals
D. Avoiding teamwork
Organizational citizenship behavior involves engaging in actions that go beyond formal job requirements.
A. The physical ceiling of the workplace
B. An invisible barrier limiting women's advancement in the workplace
C. A metaphor for employee turnover
D. Employee motivation
The Glass Ceiling phenomenon refers to an invisible barrier limiting women's advancement in the workplace.
A. Employee turnover and job performance
B. Organizational culture and employee values
C. Job analysis and recruitment
D. Employee motivation and leadership styles
Person-organization fit refers to the compatibility between organizational culture and employee values.
A. Perseverance and passion for long-term goals
B. Employee turnover rates
C. Leadership styles
D. Job satisfaction
Grit in the workplace relates to perseverance and passion for long-term goals.
A. Employees work hard individually
B. Employees reduce effort in a group setting
C. Employees enjoy their work
D. Leadership styles are effective
Social loafing occurs when employees reduce effort in a group setting.
A. The variety of tasks involved in a job
B. The impact of tasks on the organization
C. The extent to which a job requires completing a whole piece of work
D. Leadership styles in task management
Task identity in job design refers to the extent to which a job requires completing a whole piece of work.
A. Commuting to work using technology
B. Working remotely using communication technology
C. Traditional office work
D. Employee turnover
Telecommuting refers to working remotely using communication technology.
A. Communication styles
B. Team dynamics and interpersonal relationships
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee motivation
The Johari Window explores team dynamics and interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
A. Employee motivation
B. The quality of relationships between leaders and followers
C. Employee turnover rates
D. Organizational culture
Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory focuses on the quality of relationships between leaders and followers.
A. High levels of employee motivation
B. Chronic workplace stress leading to emotional exhaustion
C. Employee turnover
D. Job satisfaction
Burnout in the workplace refers to chronic workplace stress leading to emotional exhaustion.
A. Intrinsic motivation
B. Job security
C. Organizational culture
D. Employee turnover
Job crafting involves employees modifying their job tasks to enhance intrinsic motivation.
A. An individual's belief in their ability to perform specific tasks
B. The influence of external factors on one's life
C. The impact of organizational policies on motivation
D. Employee turnover rates
Locus of Control refers to the belief in the influence of external factors on one's life.
A. Maximizing employee turnover
B. Balancing work demands with personal and family responsibilities
C. Ignoring employee well-being
D. Promoting excessive work hours
Work-life balance aims at balancing work demands with personal and family responsibilities.
A. Salary and benefits
B. Leadership styles
C. Organizational policies
D. Job satisfaction and fairness
Equity theory explores perceptions of job satisfaction and fairness in the workplace.
A. Training new employees
B. Employee turnover
C. Assessing organizational culture
D. Leadership styles
Organizational socialization involves training new employees to adapt to the organizational culture.
A. Personnel selection
B. Succession planning
C. Employee training
D. Job analysis
Succession planning involves identifying high-potential employees for future leadership positions.
A. Employee motivation
B. Politeness and courtesy
C. Rude or disrespectful actions toward colleagues
D. Employee turnover
Workplace incivility includes rude or disrespectful actions toward colleagues.
A. Employee turnover rates
B. Leadership styles
C. Employee motivation
D. Employees' contentment with their jobs
Job satisfaction surveys are tools used to assess employees' contentment with their jobs.
A. The impact of job on organizational performance
B. Employee turnover rates
C. The extent to which employees have control over their work
D. Leadership styles
Job autonomy refers to the extent to which employees have control over their work.
A. Constructive criticism and feedback
B. Employee motivation
C. Repeated mistreatment or abusive behavior
D. Employee turnover rates
Workplace bullying involves repeated mistreatment or abusive behavior in the workplace.
A. Employees have clear expectations and responsibilities
B. Employees experience conflicting demands from different roles
C. Employee turnover rates are low
D. Leadership styles are consistent
Role conflict occurs when employees experience conflicting demands from different roles.
A. Legal agreements between employees and employers
B. The unwritten expectations and obligations between employees and employers
C. Employee turnover rates
D. Organizational policies
The Psychological Contract refers to the unwritten expectations and obligations between employees and employers.
A. Employee turnover rates
B. Intrinsic motivation and autonomy
C. Organizational policies
D. Leadership styles
Self-determination theory in the workplace emphasizes the importance of intrinsic motivation and autonomy.
A. The desire of employees to leave the organization
B. Employee motivation
C. Leadership styles
D. Organizational policies
Turnover intention refers to the desire of employees to leave the organization.
A. Inspiring and motivating followers
B. Focusing on individualized consideration
C. Contingent rewards and punishments
D. Emphasizing transformational change
Transactional leadership is characterized by contingent rewards and punishments.
A. Procrastination and absenteeism
B. Constructive feedback
C. Employee turnover rates
D. High levels of motivation
Counterproductive work behavior includes actions like procrastination and absenteeism.
A. Job performance
B. Leadership styles
C. Personal characteristics such as race or gender
D. Employee motivation
Workplace discrimination involves treating employees unfairly based on personal characteristics such as race or gender.
A. Employee motivation
B. The extent to which employees feel connected to their jobs and communities
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee turnover rates
Job embeddedness refers to the extent to which employees feel connected to their jobs and communities.
A. A commitment to individual goals
B. Commitment to the organization and its goals
C. Employee turnover rates
D. Leadership styles
Organizational commitment involves commitment to the organization and its goals.
A. Specific and challenging goals lead to higher performance
B. Goals should be vague and easily achievable
C. Employee turnover rates are unrelated to goal setting
D. Leadership styles are the only factor influencing performance
Goal-setting theory suggests that specific and challenging goals lead to higher performance.
A. Staying in the same job role for an extended period
B. Regularly moving employees to different job roles
C. Ignoring job responsibilities
D. Leadership styles
Job rotation involves regularly moving employees to different job roles.
A. The fit between organizational culture and employee values
B. The compatibility between job demands and employee skills
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee turnover rates
Person-job fit refers to the compatibility between job demands and employee skills.
A. Transactional exchanges and contingent rewards
B. Inspiring and motivating followers toward a shared vision
C. Punishments for non-compliance
D. A focus on individualized consideration
Transformational leadership is characterized by inspiring and motivating followers toward a shared vision.
A. Low levels of motivation
B. High levels of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to work
C. Employee turnover rates
D. Leadership styles
Employee engagement is characterized by high levels of energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to work.
A. Ignoring employee performance
B. Improving performance and fostering employee development
C. Encouraging workplace discrimination
D. Employee turnover rates
Feedback in the workplace is essential for improving performance and fostering employee development.
A. Increasing the scope and variety of tasks within a job
B. Reducing the number of tasks within a job
C. Ignoring employee preferences
D. Leadership styles
Job enlargement involves increasing the scope and variety of tasks within a job.
A. Creating a risk-free environment for employees to express ideas and take risks
B. Ignoring employee well-being
C. Employee turnover rates
D. Leadership styles
Psychological safety in the workplace refers to creating a risk-free environment for employees to express ideas and take risks.