The "Insert" tab in Microsoft Word contains options for inserting and formatting hyperlinks in the document.
Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the "Styles" pane in Microsoft Word?
What is the purpose of the "Bullets" and "Numbering" buttons in Microsoft Word?
Which ribbon tab in Microsoft Word contains options for inserting and formatting shapes?
What is the purpose of the "Thesaurus" feature in Microsoft Word?
Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the "Font" dialog box in Microsoft Word?
In Microsoft Word, what is the purpose of the "Format Painter" feature?
In Microsoft Word, what is the purpose of the "Page Color" option?
What is the purpose of the spell-check feature in Microsoft Word?
What is the purpose of the "AutoSave" feature in Microsoft Word?
Which option in Microsoft Word allows you to adjust the indents of selected paragraphs?